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On the Australian Human Rights Commission Guideline to the Premises Standard

Information from the Australian Human Rights Commission:

Disability Discrimination Commissioner, Graeme Innes, released a
guideline that will assist building professionals and those concerned
with access to better understand how the Premises Standards apply to new
and upgraded public buildings.

The Disability (Access to Premises – buildings) Standards 2010 (the
Premises Standards) commence on 1 May 2011.

“There is no doubt that the commencement of the Premises Standards will
herald the most important and widespread improvements in building access
Australia has ever seen in terms of improvements in the accessibility
and safety of all new and upgraded public buildings”, said Commissioner

“These changes to the way buildings are designed and built will improve
the opportunities for people with disability to participate in and
contribute to the economic, cultural, social and political life of our
community as equal citizens”, the Commissioner said.

Commissioner Innes said that the changes will benefit every Australian
and help in creating a more sustainable built environment capable of
responding to our changing circumstances and our family and community

Their introduction will in many cases require the development of new
skills, knowledge and approaches by those in the building industry
including developers, designers, architects, builders, project managers,
certifiers and building operators.

The Guideline on the application of the Premises Standards is available online at