We can talk to you about your needs and can plan a time to meet you.
We will observe how you manage around the home, and measure you and your equipment, and the home environment. This information helps us to provide information on products and layout of the home that are the best “fit” for you and for other members of the household.
We will discuss whether a second visit is required and the level of expertise required for works completion. Information can be provided about how and where to source builders/designers/architects.
We can do a second visit with the builder/designer/architect to inspect and discuss the areas of concern and provide information on whether the home modifications can be achieved with ease. We can suggest specific products, designs and finishes to best suit your needs. The builder/designer/architect can provide technical advice, plans, a specification and costings for works completion based on our recommendations.
We are available to visit you at the conclusion of the home modification process to check the home modification to ensure it suits your needs and to provide any advice about changes, to the builder.