Home Design For Living Blog

On Webinar – The Ups and Downs of Stair Design and Modifications

Just a quick email to remind you that the next webinar is due to be held on Tuesday 21 October from 7.30pm to 8.30pm (Brisbane time – please note daylight saving time). I shall talk about the history of stair design, the building code and Standards Australia requirements, some examples of home modifications and some alternatives to stairs.

Details are available on my website under the EVENTS tab – WEBINARS.

I shall be using Webinar Jam as the program.

Unfortunately, the session won’t be recorded and powerpoint handouts won’t be provided but it is hoped that attendees can take notes.

Please note that some people were not able to pay by PayPal using their govt work computers for the last webinar as they were blocked by their work server. You may need to check this access if you are registering for the first time and you work for govt or a large non govt org.

Further, to ensure the technology works well for everyone and that we all can link in, I shall be on line from 7.15pm on the night. I recommend that you log in early at this time so that we can check your connection.

I hope that you can join me for the event.
